As some of you already know, those who know me, know my son is crazy for his cars. He will spend countless time lining them up then crashing them. Sometimes dinosaurs will crash their gathering and send them hurling through the air. Even punish them for not sharing or hitting (so happy he is paying attention to when I speak).
His favorite cars are the "Cars" cars, if one of them goes missing the world ends till we find them.
No matter how much I have tried to keep his room clean, there are cars everywhere. I have given up! I expect him to clean his room with help from mommy, but it will never be a perfectly clean room. I have excepted this. My mother (Mrs. Clean) has a hard time accepting this notion.
I have learned a long time ago to only listen to yourself as a mom. I feel its okay to let the clean up of toys slide in order to spend more time with my happy little dinosaur. Life is about moments I get spend with him not worrying about everything being put away every moment of the day.
In turn my son, feels better when the cars are put away at night. This fact alone shows me that he knows he has to clean up, but knows when to do it and when to have fun.