Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dinosaur's Side of the Story

So my mommy has been doing a lot of complaining lately and I think it's time I tell you my side of the story.

First of all, it is not my fault that the plexiglass over the screen door is so cheap and breaks easily. All I did was hold on to it and it snapped in half on its own. I must be a strong dinosaur.

~duct tape over original crack~
 Then mommy puts that gray tape on it, but it snaps in half again. I think she should blame the company that makes the plexiglass and not a three year old innocent little boy.

~more duct tape on second crack~

Do I look like I am capable of doing that damage? Look at my sweet innocent face.

~sad face when he broke the plexiglass~

Then mommy and daddy put tape on the screen door lock and wooden door lock, because they think I am going to lock them out of the house. Is it my fault that the locks are fun and exciting to play with? Again, mommy is blaming the wrong person.

~duct tape over screen door lock~
~packaging tape over door knob lock~

I have a few questions of my own. Why is not okay for me to drive a car? They look so fun with all their buttons and big steering wheel.

~jumped from car seat into drivers sea and insisted on driving to store~

Why can't I put sticks in a car's tailpipe?

Why can't I put rocks in wheels of a cars?

Why can't I throw toys at the TV?

Why can't I drink out of Balboa's water bowl?

Why can't put toys in people's drinks?

I think mommy makes all these rules up to just be mean. I bet you all can do those super fun things? What mean rules do you make your kids follow?       


  1. hey dinosaur've got to behave, you've got to learn to sit quiet for a while, you've got to learn to listen, more rules....

    1. if only that worked and he behaved. But at least he makes me laugh.

  2. Hahaha! This cracked me up! You should follow @honesttoddler on twitter. Whenever I'm feeling stressed, I read his tweets and laugh soooo hard. He's always into a ton of hilarious trouble. I know this must be stressful (I'm in for it soon!) but remember this phase too will pass. <3

    1. I think part of the problem is I laugh so hard, he just cracks me up. He is crazy but I wouldn't have him any other way. I am going to check out that twitter account. thanks.

  3. Had to laugh, little dinosaur - you sound a lot like my own little 3 yr. old. He is into throwing things and watching things break lately... But he has such an innocent face!

    1. LOL. Yeah, the more innocent the face, the crazier they are.
